Monday, February 3, 2014

5 Meses en la Misión!


Buenos Tardes Mis Amigos y Familia, 

Well another month has come and gone here in Buenos Aires! This month as they all have been since I started the mission has just flown by. And I seriously can not believe that in 4 short weeks I will be a quarter of the way done with my mission! I don´t understand time here in the mission, and I have come to the conclusion I probably never will!

This week we learned that Buenos Aires is the land of rolling black outs, and experienced even more of the crazy weather this place has to offer. Argentina has an electricity shortage, and so they have scheduled power cuts that started in our area this week. So this week we had three nights with out power (which means no fans, which means hot, sticky, humid, air all night) then we also had a few afternoons when we were home for language study, of course these scheduled cuts can´t be while we are out proselyting! The weather lightened up on us this week minus on Thursday. Thursday we had interviews with President and then afterward I had to back a thirty+ pound box of Book of Mormons for 30 something blocks, and the humidity was horrible, along with the heat, and so I about died by the time we got back to the pension, but I manned up and packed those Books of Mormon! haha (Shortly after returning to the pension, you guessed it, power was cut....) 

We were able to find a few new investigators this and talked with a lot of people, the work has slowed down, but honestly I am happy. I have the opportunity everyday to go out, and testify to these people that Jesus is the Christ, that through him, and the ordinances of the Restored Gospel we can live with our families forever!

Then this morning we had the opportunity to attend the temple here in Buenos Aires. It was a beautiful time, and it was so nice to be able to be in the house of the Lord. For my friends and family who are not familiar with the LDS Temples, I want to explain a little bit about them. As the Restored Church of Jesus Christ, we have the same doctrine and ordinances as Christ had including the use of Temples. In the temples we make sacred covenants (Promises) with the Lord, in which he promises to give us the power and strength we need to conquer the trials of this life. Along with making this covenants for ourselves, Husbands and Wives may be sealed together in matrimony for time and all eternity, which includes all of the children they have. I can testify that the temples here on this earth, truly are the House of the Lord, and that in them we can grow closer to our Father in Heaven, and make those covenants, and receive the strength we need to overcome the trials and adversity this life has to throw at us. 

I am truly grateful for the many opportunities  I have to serve everyday, I am thankful for the prayers of my friends and family. I can feel them, and they strengthen me more then you all can imagine! To finish I want to throw in a little shout out to my parents who today have been married for 19 years. How lucky I am to have these two great pillars in my life, and I know that with out them I would not be where I am today! Love you all! 

Elder Hall

 Elder De Loayza and I at the temple! 

 The beauty of the temples are just amazing! 

This is a better close up of us!

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